Category: Religion & Spirituality

  • Religion and Sexuality: Challenging Conventional Wisdom

    Religion and Sexuality: Challenging Conventional Wisdom

    Research suggests that religious people report better sex lives and higher sexual satisfaction, challenging the belief that religion is sexually repressive. Conventional wisdom often portrays religion as sexually repressive, with limitations on sexual expression seen as detrimental to a healthy sexual life. However, recent research challenges this notion, suggesting that religious individuals actually report better…

  • Hokus Pokus- A Practical Guide to Deconstruction: Unlocking the Mysteries of Faith and Spirituality

    Hokus Pokus- A Practical Guide to Deconstruction: Unlocking the Mysteries of Faith and Spirituality

    Francis Marion’s latest book offers a thought-provoking journey of deconstruction for truth seekers In a world where faith and religious beliefs often seem shrouded in mystery and dogma, author Francis Marion presents a daring and thought-provoking guide to spiritual deconstruction. His latest book, “Hokus Pokus- A Practical Guide to Deconstruction,” invites readers on a journey…

  • The Intricate Interplay of AI and Spirituality: Exploring Decision-Making in the Tech-Driven World

    The Intricate Interplay of AI and Spirituality: Exploring Decision-Making in the Tech-Driven World

    Navigating the Ethical Crossroads: Unraveling the Impact of AI on Spiritual Discernment In a world increasingly driven by technology, the interplay between artificial intelligence (AI) and spirituality has become an intriguing and thought-provoking topic. As AI becomes more advanced and integrated into our daily lives, questions arise about its impact on our decision-making processes and…